Terms & Conditions

1. Unless otherwise provided, when provisions of this tariff are in conflict with those published in individual contracts and/or tariffs such contracts and/or tariffs, to the extent of their application, will apply.

2. Reissued tariffs, items or parts of items will cancel previously issued tariffs, items or parts of items or publications referenced thereto.

3. Unless otherwise provided, when provisions of this tariff are in conflict with those published in the governing publications this tariff will apply.

4. When this tariff provides for the application of charges NordMax Logistics will maintain records to verify the charges and so document on any billing or invoicing to the payer.

5. Unless otherwise provided, charges for services shown herein will be borne by the party requesting the service or guaranteed to the satisfaction of NordMax Logistics before services will be provided.

6. Unless otherwise provided, charges for services shown herein will apply in addition to all other applicable charges.

7. Unless otherwise provided, the use of decking equipment is for NordMax Logistics convenience and has no application to any rules contained herein.

8. Unless otherwise provided, requests for changes to a Bill of Lading must be in writing from the responsible party(s).

9. Driver’s signature on the Bill of Lading only acknowledges receipt of the freight, any special requests or valuation in excess of those found within this tariff must be agreed to by NordMax Logistics management in advance of the shipment being picked up.

10. NordMax Logistics reserves the right to reject a shipment when such shipment in their opinion would likely cause damage or delay to personnel, other goods being carried, or equipment.

11. Special attention should be given to NordMax Logistics' rights to collect monies owed to them for overdue undisputed freight invoices.

Liability Section
Accessorial Services Section
Credit and Collection Charges Section